Wednesday, February 17, 2010


went facebook again just now. after 'happy farming', played 'vampire' then go looking up for any new pics uploaded by friends......

you know what's this called? LIFELESS

it's soooo boring.... please, i NEED a LIFE

i dont wanna stick to the comp every free time i got that i dont feel like sleeping. i want to be busy, to be busy planning events for people i care, to be busy on outings with friends or family members, to be busy chatting up with people instead of staring at a certain something, feel like commenting on it but think that it will not be appropriate since i do not know the person as well as i hope to.

it's chinese new year, for goodness sake, it's like my ONLY break of the semester. weired why i wouldn't want to spent my well-deserved-break sleeping huh? i've no idea.

anyway, curious why i'm emo?

simple, i did baking today. ( THAT probably explains itself already )


FINE, so i baked another bunch of disfigured cookies ( it's not my fault! stupid CENTRAL doesn't have cold enough air-con to keep the mini kisses in pieces! it was all melted and stuck together when i brought it home... ), so what? it's my specialty! i mean, who else can bake more disfigured cookies that i can? *wink*

hmmm, maybe i should set up my own bran ;x .....

how does ''famous cl disfigured cookies' sound? :D it's not really meant for or eating ( unless the person thinks disfigured cookies are a better way to get a a bad tummy and get a MC than flu ) , it's just a motivation for other failed bakers and a moto for people who dont bake to get started. because, 'famous cl disfigured cookie' balieves that ANYBODY can bake :)

oh, i STILL need a life. outing anyone? ;)

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