Thursday, June 26, 2008

my com is bac......finally

Tadaa~~~i'm back.....after 2 weeks of torture TT, plenty to post about but too little time so, yeah, i'll probably shorten them n skip some of them.....btw, most of the events below were so....long ago, i cant recall when was it. =P

1) fantastic fall

will u believe it if i told u i half fall half slide past 2 metres? bet a dollar u wont believe *on second thoughts, i'm taking that back* nyway, i did. unbelievable huh? well, believe it, cause i did, ask becca, ask elaine, ask po chi, they saw. what actually happened was, that morning, (the morning school reopened) when we came to our class, a surprise awaited us.....the class was whole class spent the first 2 periods finding can-be-used tables n chairs. we searched the whole block-E, no luck, so we tried other blocks. as we were going down the stairs(last two flights)...*time slows down* i tripped, was about to fall when i grabbed hold of a rusty black pole beside me, tried to pull myself up when i fell AGAIN because i wasn't steady and skidded through the corridor but was able to use my hand as a brake just in time to save myself from having my face hit the floor.

first comment i got? " you ok?" yeah, that's normal. second comment "wow, did u fall? i thought u were doing a performance or some sort *giggles* " . . . . . . . . THAT, was cruel >< oh well, luckily no bruise or anything. ( dun ask me how i did it )

2) that day, i cant rmb which day, becca was telling me about her nightmare. So, since she told me her's, i thought it only fair to tell her mine too. way i'm telling it here. but since then, i've always thought....why am i the only one who get such odd dreams? oh well, as long as it doesn't haunt me again, i'm perfectly fine.

3) another that day, that i cant remember, quek was asking me...."can u immagine how u were when u were in form 1?" i was dumbstruck, but before i know it, i think i mumbled something about, "yeah, i knew i changed...." after that, they( quek, qi.... those with me since form 1 ) started laughing and teasing about those really 'fish' stuff i said and did when i was in form 1 and 2. the whole week after that, i kept much did i change? how did i change? was these changes good? or bad?

eventually, i asked my friends who knew me quite well. i got all sorts of funny answers. some told me i didn't change, just that i got naughtier ( so that's bad ). i asked my parents too, thier answers? cant rmb... Still, i knew i changed, even if nobody in this world ever realized that. i knew a lot more thing that i never knew in form 1. i knew this world isn't a fantasy world where everyone live together in peace and harmony. i knew that in the REAL world, the world i never did like to admit i was living in, has plenty of sad stories. i knew that i can be happier than i ever was if i learn to accept the world as it is. i knew that friends, really spice up your life. i also learn that friends, can break your heart as easily as they want.

in a way, all the things that happened, was, as some people would say, a kind of training, or lesson...the hard way. changes are hard, as they bring a lot of sorrow and tears in the process. but in the end, i dare say i'm more matured than before and is more willing to face the world.

3).....actually, i have plenty....PLENTY to say, to share but kinda forgot, so, that's about it

oh yeah, something i remembered reading from our English litriture, ' we can only make our decisions based on past experience, present circumstances and hope for the future...' very true, as i can say that i hold quite a lot of hope for the future, a future where everyone is happy and content. therefore, i make choices which i think, and hope, MAKES a difference.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


definition for 'computer' is, something not many gen Y can live without. so....i have no idea how in the world did i do it^^ i did not even TOUCH the computer for....a whole long WEEK!!!! congratulate me please =D

my old com, burned.....== yeah, it burned. my bro said he smelled something burning last monday and~~~ the monitor died.......TT my bro was so mad( cause his cabal was still on ) he hit the com dunno how many 5.30am( he was playin com the whole night, not that he woke up THAT early ) that my whole family woke up.

when asked what happened, he said the com burned n now, he cant do his project...(yeah right...==) my mom's first reaction? good lorh, ' dai sei ' ( serve u right ) who ask u to on com all day without off'ing for a few months? always oni off monitor.... now, u might just b wondering why am i even blogging now? or how am suppose to be blogging now.....the thing is

my dad bought a new monitor!!!!!!^^ arh~~~~~~~~~~^^ extreamly nice, flat screen =D ( for those of u who has been using flat screen since dunno when, dont splash cold water on me == i'm still in a terribly good mood )

well, that's about it......oh, jh, about the tag, am working on it, but maybe not so fast, will take some time....sorry ya ><

Thursday, June 5, 2008


i just finished watching 'hell girl season 2' animation which i borrowed from lee xian( a really sweet girl, but she'll ask me to go die if she hears me say that, i have no idea why ) 3 hours ago................the ending? it's sad....

she died in the end, died being hit by the residents of the city......sad TT......i was crying even though i watched it twice, my younger bro was crying with me too, but only when he watched it the first time. ( i didn't even realise till the show was over and he asked me if i cried )

to all of u who probably haven't heard of it before or dont bother to watch this animation....please allow me to summuries this for u.

yanma ai ( that's what the subtitle says ) is the hell girl, every day during midnight, anybody who has someone they hate very much can get through a website, on the net to connect with hell girl. if the person doesn't really hate the other person that much, or that the person is going to this site for other reasons other than taking revenge, the person will not be able to get through. when the person gets through, he/she types in the name of the person he/ she hates and hell gir will appear. she will then hand the 'client' a straw dolly and explains the conditions....those who curses others to hell, will also end up in hell too. meaning, if u ask the help of hell girl to send someone to hell, when u die, u will go to hell too, but it's after u die. the contract will not be made till the red string on the dolly is pulled.

in the first season, those who were sent to hell was understandable. like there was this ep when a high school girl sent a vet to hell cause he doesnt really care bout the sick animals unless it was going to make him any richer or any more famous. though i find sending ppl to hell like that is still kinda selfish, and reminds me of death note ( i support L by the way ) but i dont think that it is worth it. i mean, these ppl who do bad things are gonna be sent to hell after all, but it's after they r dead, so y send yourself to hell too just so that he/she dissapears earlier?

near the middle of season one, a reporter gets in the story. somehow, his daughter has hell girl's eye, means she can sometimes see what hell girl sees. so, the reporter with the help of his daughter, tries to stop ppl from sending others to hell.

in the end of season 1, hell girl's past was told, how she become hell girl....thanks to an idiotic hell boy who could bring back the deepest part of ur memory that u try to forget. So, hell girl used to be a normal girl, with red eyes....all the villagers thinks she's a devil, but she has a friend, a boy who believes she's innocent. the villagers find ways and reason to kill her. in the end, they tied thier whole family, blindfolded them and trew them into a hole. Ai's blindfold was lose, and saw herself being burried the boy she thought was her friend..

i have no idea how, but she came back to lifeand burned the whole village. everyone was killed, except for the boy who managed to escape. the king of hell treaten to put all her loved one into the darkness forever if she doesn't become hell girl.

apparently, the reporter is the boy's great-great-great( dunno how many great )........grandson. so, when hell girl was in a bad mood ( i think ) she gave the reporter's daughter a straw dolly and ask her to sent her father to hell, telling her the whole story how her mother died. Ai's plot nearly succeded but the little girl forgave her father when her father appologised and cried in regret.

hell girl saw and her heart soften. her hate for the villager that killed her kinda reduced, and she returned to hell to do her job.

THAT is season for season's a long story but my bro is nagging me to let him use the com so.....c how larh, anyone intrested? i'll tell u personally^^

snakes o.o ( part 2 )

today, when i was busy minding my own buisness......a green snake slithered into my front door!!!! ><

.........................k, it was a lie =P i was too bored okay.......

this was what actually happened.....

this morning, when my mom was teaching my brother past perfect and present perfect tense or something like that, my brother was, as usual finding ways to escape. and so....

my bro: mom mom wait, let me say first, let me say first
mom : u want to say something, say it during ur break time, dont interupt me when i'm teaching
my bro: but mom~~~ *shaking n pulling my mom's hand*
mom : no but's, now...past perfect tense are used when.......... for example.........
my bro: but mom, u dont understand *interupting*
mom : dont understand WHAT? *starting to lose her patience to a noisy child*
my bro: daniel say he saw a snake skin in the tree outside.
mom : really? *stares at me*
my bro: yala....and then hor......*continue saying alot of things that i didn't bother to listen*
me : oh my that's what happen to the birds eggs.....*putting the newspaper down*
mom : what bird? oh, u mean that bird, i totally forgot about it.....
me : ....remember the last time i told u the bird's egg dissapeared? the second batch? the batch i didn't even had time to take photo of? when i peeked in, there wasn't even a single trace of shells there....i ven took a photo of the empty nest....
mom : so u mean the snake actually slithered all the way to that bamboo plant?
me : uh huh.....
mom : .........* giving me the omg look*
me : oh my gosh...i saw the two yellow birds that grew up in our house there ytd,in the tree
mom : making a nest?
me : *nod*
mom : *sigh* i hope the birds are smart enough....anyway, from now on, close the glass every night.....just in case

i hope the birds safe.....and that the snake wont come here again ><

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

> <

omg omg omg omg omg.............i broke something, AGAIN >< .....and it's the second time i did mom's already in a bad mood, she's so gonna explode >< plus, it's my dad's stuff, now even my dad's gonna kill me

help~~~!!! anyone know how to cure butter-fingers? ><

Sunday, June 1, 2008


the new pencil box my mom bought me two weeks ago, which costs around gone TT
my mom was so upset and so am i. i have like 3 g-2 gel pens inside, and all my other precious mechanical pencils, pens which i've had with me since i was in primary school....all gone!!! T^T
the other pencils, erasers, gel pens inside was quite new too....i bought them for the exams...
i guessed i left it in school after the kursus prs, and since amy was going to school on saturday, i asked her to help me find it. she went to school all 9 sth in the morning to help me find it (touched) but it wasn't found any where.....

waah~~!!!! my new, nice pencil box with my precious stationeries.... gone!!!!

last minute preparations for kursus tahunan prs 2008

these events took place from 11am on 24th of may 2008, till 7am 26th of may 2008.

i dont really know how to start, but on 24th, it was more of last minutes discussion, who do what. KL thought that our detective game lack of characters, as there are only 4 main characters, so she asks us to gather around to think of a new 1.

the ajk's indirectly put us in charge in making the whole thing again, which kinda frustrates me cause i ended up writing everbody's ( 11 character's ) script, which took me till 4am in the morning.( i dont even work THIS hard for exams >< ) why? cause those who were helping with the story could not come the next day, which is also the last day to prepare, so since i was coming they trew all the script writing, the crime scene.....ect to me. i was so busy writing the scripts n thinking of the evidence found in the crime scene, i took my precious note book out with me for dinner to write while eating. my family wasn't very happy bout this, cause they say that i shouldn't be working so hard on sth even the ajk's dont bother about, i dont get any credit for this anyway. nevertheless, i finished by the next morning, though i knew what my family was telling me during dinner was true. but i did call becca that night to complain a bit, made me feel better. thanks becca^^ the next day, 25th, was also a busy day. so busy in fact, that nobody was free enough to hear me explain the new detective story. ( will post another blog on the story) everybody was getting thier own stations ready, though there were a few stations which needed extra people. for example, the maze, which uses 2 classrooms. ( meaning *destroying* the board in between the classes ) oh yeah, a form 4 prs who never came for any of our form 4 kursus meeting came, quite a surprise. by morning 26th of may, all the tougher to make stations were ready, everybody was under quite a lot of pressure as all of us wanted it to be as perfect as possible, i personally thought nothing would have gone wrong, but everyone else was expecting something to go wrong, but hoped nothing would. Y invited us to try out the maze they just finished building, excited, i tried it out with E. the maze was amazing, they made it real nice, was 6am in the morning when i tried it out and the lights weren't switched on as the switch was...some where in the middle of the maze. it was erm, scary.....the classroom curtain swept pass me when the wind was blowing. THAT kinda freaked me. i made Y promise that he wont play any prank on us, but he added that if anything did happen, scream.

anyway, nothing happened and y came in to join us in finding our way out of the maze some time later.

at around 7 am, the empty hall was half full, the buku aturcara(diffrent compared to the pass few years but nice) was given out at the registration counter. all teams started to prepare for thier bentangan(where the groups explain thier group name, tepukan.....and will be asked a lot of questions)

we were prepared with thier breakfast and the kursus tahunan prs 2008 SMKSS by the form 4's prs started with CH and CC as host at 8am.(supposingly 7:30am, but, oh well...)

Theme? Superheroes.

PS. our form 4 prs T-shirt this year, is so...nice^^

teacher's day

as always, late post, so......drift yourself back to....23rd of may 2008, friday.

teacher's day, not something i look forward to, except for being able to ponteng school that day, that is. =D
today, there was suppose to be quite a lot of plans, but all cancelled last minute. but not last minute enough for me to ponteng school though. xxx, whom i haven't spoken to in a long time called me, n ask if i was going to go to school, after i said yes, she immediately ask if i can help her pass up her moral project, which was due tomorrow. so, i said ok.
few minutes ltr, amy called to tell me that our plans for tomorrow's cancelled.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
so...even though there was nth to do, i still had to go to school, to pass up other ppl's project.

luckly the hari guru event's werent as boring as it usually is.

2nd term exams officially over

well, erm, as usually, another late post.
lets pretend u r reading this post on....22nd of may it? anyway, it's a thursday, and the sun's shinning, the birds r chirpping, i even saw some birds having sand bath *i think* in the sand pit. ^^
just as i was happily day dreaming bout how to enjoy my holidays in the packed class room filled with students of other classes, (due to accounts exam [poor becca =P]) , pn.buvanese came in. after being persuaded by some add-math genius, she announced that she'll return the add math exam papers.
i was too busy reading manga at that time,( the manga borrowed frm wan yee, ''fei bu qi de mo nv'' is real nice xD, n thier clothes r extreamely cute =D )i didn't know what happened untill po chi asked me bout my add math result.
i squeezed in the crowd and waited fo my paper. honestly, i was quite confident this time, as i knew how to do most of the questions.
i got my paper....i double check to confirm that it is really my paper....and went back to read comic books. *sad music in the back ground*
........well, i barely pass, but i did, and the marks were 20 over marks less then the first exam.
i had no idea what actually happened and how did i manage to get such results but, i not really satisfied about one of the questions where i got the right answers, and all the steps correct, but, i skipped one step. because of that, teacher gave me a big 0 for the whole thing. that question costs 4 marks.
suddenly i wasn't that happy anymore.
but, holidays are holidays, i kinda forgot bout the exams result the next day. why? cause i have prs kursus tahunan to worry about........