Sunday, June 1, 2008

2nd term exams officially over

well, erm, as usually, another late post.
lets pretend u r reading this post on....22nd of may it? anyway, it's a thursday, and the sun's shinning, the birds r chirpping, i even saw some birds having sand bath *i think* in the sand pit. ^^
just as i was happily day dreaming bout how to enjoy my holidays in the packed class room filled with students of other classes, (due to accounts exam [poor becca =P]) , pn.buvanese came in. after being persuaded by some add-math genius, she announced that she'll return the add math exam papers.
i was too busy reading manga at that time,( the manga borrowed frm wan yee, ''fei bu qi de mo nv'' is real nice xD, n thier clothes r extreamely cute =D )i didn't know what happened untill po chi asked me bout my add math result.
i squeezed in the crowd and waited fo my paper. honestly, i was quite confident this time, as i knew how to do most of the questions.
i got my paper....i double check to confirm that it is really my paper....and went back to read comic books. *sad music in the back ground*
........well, i barely pass, but i did, and the marks were 20 over marks less then the first exam.
i had no idea what actually happened and how did i manage to get such results but, i not really satisfied about one of the questions where i got the right answers, and all the steps correct, but, i skipped one step. because of that, teacher gave me a big 0 for the whole thing. that question costs 4 marks.
suddenly i wasn't that happy anymore.
but, holidays are holidays, i kinda forgot bout the exams result the next day. why? cause i have prs kursus tahunan to worry about........

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