Tuesday, April 7, 2009

recent events

really really busy these days, have tons of post in draft waiting to be completed

anyway, here are the more memorable events that happened recently.

1. 13th march
exams over!!! haha, can finally watch Animes without limit!!! yeah!!! wait up bleach movies 1 n 2 ( which rocks btw, but i personally prefer the second), ouran high school host club, god save, library wars and probably alice accademy andvampire knight too......gah!!!! anime SERIOUSLY rocks!!!!!

oh yeah, btw, to those who went to kuantan, have FUN!!!!

2. 19th march
Pre-april fool. i actually invited wan qi to go pasar malam together today but she rejected. so i went with my brother. bought tau fu fa and milk tea. went home and watch tv. and guess who called? an unknown number. i picked up and to my surprise it was a classmate in school. then he asked me who i was. i was dumbstruct and immediately asked him if he was being fooled around. i mean, who will call somebody they don't know unless it's a prank, right? then even before knowing who i am, he continued asking if i wanted to go sunway the next day. it was then that i heard sze wei and alot of other people laughing and EVERYTHING fit in. pity him and screw you guys!!! why am I the victim?? not that i was fooled but why me??? which was why i did not answer ANY of his questions untill he abruptly hung up. ( i totally forgot about this till i read elaine's blog. which is totally UNTRUE!!! ) and i went to sleep. the end.

3. 20th-21th march
i am a pure KL girl. 100 percent to the core. but i seriously don't know KL, the buildings and everything? dont ask me, i've only been the time square 3 times!! and the first 2 times i went there? i didn't even know it was time square =.=

anyway, i told my dad, ''hey, dy (short for daddy), when can you bring me to tour KL? i want to go bukit bintang and see the night view." and god knows, 2 weeks later during dinner, he announced that we will be staying in Sharaton hotel for a 2days 1 night stay during the march holidays.

am i happy? of course i am, but it's such a weired thing to do.( btw, this is NOT the first time our family is doing this kind of thing) you want any souveniers? Get them yourself!! it's KL!! LOL.

so i went shoping with my mom( the boys prefered staying in the hotel room watching tv), which was kinda fun, too bad she was too tired from her work. i bought a jacket which i liked, with my OWN pocket money my dad gave in advance T.T which means i'll be broke next month!!!

the room was nice, the bed was huge and they had feather pillows!!! 8 pillows all together!!! and i love the bathroom, spacious. but what really took the cake was the window. there was a place to sit there for you to enjoy the night view!!! just my type. ( though it's mainly night clubs)

and we had dinner in the really expensive chinese hotel restorant, in which i excidentally ordered a ten dollars per head premium chinese tea. and i dont even know the difference between premium tea and normal cheap tea( which is also expensive....five dollars per head)!! the worst thing is that except for the really quiet and high-class looking envioroment, it's no big deal. ( no offence to the chefs btw. erm, the pecking duck was nice?)

4. 25th march
one of my sista's birthday, ally!! happy sweet 17!! sorry i cant celebrate for you after school though. lol, i didn't manage to see her expression too when she opened her locker to see the chocolate, birthday cards and rose petals filled locker. must have been priceless.

5. 28th march
merentas desa day and earth day. i went you know, such a good girl. though i was cursing most of my classmates and amy for dumping my way back. my stamina's bad, i know!! don't bully me!!! but wanqi was really nice and waited for me though i asked her to run off first without me =( on the other hand, amy kept dashoing off every time i was close! i met po chi on the way who sat resting cause she felt dizzy and walked the last part back with her. lol, first time reach so late untill there was no more water from pandu girls. went to KFC after that with po chi, jingqi and lee xian for breakfast and a long girl chat.

after dinner, went pasar malam, and switched off all the lights!! almost the whole pf my whole neighbourhood switched off thier lights!!! it felt so warm to know that people cared for this world. my conclusion? educated and civalised people are people who care and switch off thier lights, unless they have no idea about this whole thing of course, which is almost impossible.

my younger brother had a fun time playing with the torch light and my mom took the no computer time an opportunity to talk to us about our future. so like her. i saw some families took chairs out for family talk too in the dark....that night, even the street lights were brighter than usual...hopefully filling our earth with more hope for the future.

6. April fool!!!
crazy event, 2 boys in my class was betting each other to eat crickets!!! what the heck is wrong with them? crazy or what? one of them even said it was 'biscuits' he was eating, not crickets =.= but it really got the class heated up since it was a relief period. though some of the girls were making it too much of a fuss......okay, maybe i DID make SOME fuss but at least i wasn't TOO noisy.....other than that, nothing much happened

7. 2nd April
kai yan's birthday today!!! wanqi brought a birthday card and i helped passed it around. happy birthday!! may all your dreams come true!!!

8. 3rd April
school was so boring today. no classes and the class was empty. everbody was busy with raptai hari sukan......oh well, i'm sure it's fun for those of you who took part so, gambateh and do your best!!!!

9. 4th April
actual sports day today but i didn't go. must have been cursed by becca cause not going to midvalley with her to watch the confessions of a shoppaholic after that.

that about it. till then....

1 comment:

Rebecca Ng said...

water was given by koperasi *erhem* during merentas desa.

n i cursed no one. (: