Thursday, November 27, 2008


updating.....was trying to complete the tags i OWE people....but, was still not done after 3 hours...TT so it's now rotting in the draft till i find the mood to complete it, sorry guys =P

anyway, hols are here.....and they are half way gone!!!! gosh, how fast does time slip by when you least expects it. and i haven't even managed to watch the animes i wanted TT thanks to my brother who is rushing assignments after about college life, i thought they were suppose to be fun?

so, how have i been lately? well lets see, last Saturday i went to a salon in pj state which i have always had high comment on.....until saturday, that is. i waited for, what, 20 minutes? before someone came and asked me how i would like my hair cut, well, i don't mind waiting since it's rather full. then she started snipping......snip....snip....snip went the scisors....... before i knew it, AAaaaaaHHhhhh!!!!!!!! i had a more terrible hair cut than when i was in standard 6 !!!!!!!! i was too stunned to say anything or to even stop her from snipping anymore, i sat there on the chair, stared at the miror in horor, and..............

.......nodded my head........yes, you read right, i nodded my head.....i guess my brain was somehow affected, or else, i would have glared at her insted of smilling like an idiot at the miror!! later, after she was done TOYING with my hair, i stood up and walk towards the entrance. " don't worry 'bout it, in one or two weeks time, i'll grow nicely." two weeks? so what am i gonna do? walk around the street in a mask? it's not even halloween!! PLUS, our contry dont celebrate halloween!!


how much worse can a girl get than a freaky hairstyle, bad throat and a fever plus cough and running nose?

anyway, since i'll be at home for *sound of calculator pressed on* 96 lovely hours, my slow-growing hair had better grow. oh yeah, monday was wenli's birthday, 24th of november. this is actually the first year i remembered!!!!^^ well, not that i'm suppose to be pround of it....taking the fact that i known her since preschool and that her father is my dad's friend and also that i went to camerons with her TWICE already......... know, i have a REALLY bad memory...

so anyway, i remembered!!! and i sent her a sms from Malaysia at 12 MELBOURME, australia!!! fantastic how the phone lines get us together in which she replied 6am == then it got me thinking, you know, maybe i should get her a present or something, since i haven't given her anything before xP but then again, why spoil her? i sent her a birthday wish sms and i'm freezing her a cake and i remembered the actual day of her birthday!! good enough for me, i guess? and yes, i'm an ungrateful, forgetful, annoying, irritating, cheeky brat.....but i guess that's my speciality, i pick a quiet victim and bug the victim till the person talks......po chi's a great example, lol.

but wen li's story is really different you know, you wont believe it even if i told you. we first met in a school bus, when we were still in kindergarden.

this was the tale of how we met:

'' after the bell rang that day, all the kiddies ran out to board the bus or go home with thier parents. the bus was quickly filled, so the little girl who came in the bus late had no place to sit. she stared around for a seat. suddenly she spots a seat and sits down next to another girl. none said anything. after a while, the girl suddenly turns to the other and say...'' can i be your friend?''.....stunned, the other replied '' sure...''

and that's how it all started. sorry if my memory was a bit blurr or i added some stuff but i was so shocked that anybody actually turned and ask, '' can i be your friend?'' i remembered it quite well. from then on, i took notice of another homosapien except for the few that were close to me.

not that we were close after that but, we were okay. i only started to really know her when we were in standard 5. we played stones together. cant remember though why she joined me in my ''polishing ugly stone quest using a toothbrush'' hahahaha, sweet memories.....i think it was because i was bugging her and irritating her to play with me while waiting for my mom, oh sheesh, doesn't matter now, we're on good terms.

guess that's it for today.

p/s, spent over a hundred on baking ingredients that day, hope everything turns out least edible...x.x....screw the milk products that shot sky high, the scs butter was rm8.40!!! and the bar of 2kg philadaphia cream cheese, rm44!!!

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