Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tags..........= =

becca....sometimes u CAN be quite annoying, you know i never fancied tags? BUT......u DID put in the photos of Remy here which i forgot to take before i gave him to you and then back to lee forgive u^^ ( see? i'm so kind =P ) before i do the tag though, i have something to say....jen hoe, so sorry, the tag u tagged me dunno-how-long-ago is still in my draft, killed thousands of brain cells just to answer the first few question....>< style="color: rgb(0, 102, 0);">

1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tags back!!


1. i can eat up to 4 types of fruits a day ( highest record- 1 whole papaya, 1 fuji aple, 1 orange, 3-4 bananas)

2. i can sleep through the day when i'm terribly tired or that i'm in a bad mood ( 24 hours without waking up )

3. i can make everybody in a group to feel grumpy or emo when i'm in a bad mood ( which explains why i switch off my phone and lock my room door when i'm in one )

4. i have serious mood swing problems ( don't be surprise to find me happy and then mad or sad or even excited in a few of a kind^^ )

5. i'm hyperactive =D ( my victims: becca, po chi...[mainly her =P] )

6. i'm currently crazy'ing over animations and mangas ( vampire knight....ahhhh!!!! cat street....ahhhh!!!!!! hell girl.....ahhhhh!!!!! )

7. i have an extreme sweet tooth

8. i don't wear specs......( extremely proud^^ the only 1 in the family, for now, that is....)

9. i used to be afraid to go near my room window, or to even pull open the curtains in my room for a few years after i had this crazy dream of a scary, crooked nosed witch that kidnapped me.

10. i dont eat be more specific....i cant swallow pills ><

11. i love....simply love soft toys!!!!

12. i used to wear braces when i was in form 3 ( wearing *supposingly* retainer now, but, i dont really bother so it's a bit crooked. )

13. i still in a way live in my own small fantasy world

14. i show a different part of me to people who i somehow think will not meet again

15. i'm a computer illetrate. ( typed this post TWICE cause there was some technical problem )

btw, i DONT MAKE suffer(tags)::
everyone else whom i know that also hate tags....u're safe^^


thus ends my post

P/S- Beijing Olympics opening ceremony 2 day ago was fantastic!!! especially the 29 'foot steps' and the torch lighting part

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