Thursday, June 5, 2008


i just finished watching 'hell girl season 2' animation which i borrowed from lee xian( a really sweet girl, but she'll ask me to go die if she hears me say that, i have no idea why ) 3 hours ago................the ending? it's sad....

she died in the end, died being hit by the residents of the city......sad TT......i was crying even though i watched it twice, my younger bro was crying with me too, but only when he watched it the first time. ( i didn't even realise till the show was over and he asked me if i cried )

to all of u who probably haven't heard of it before or dont bother to watch this animation....please allow me to summuries this for u.

yanma ai ( that's what the subtitle says ) is the hell girl, every day during midnight, anybody who has someone they hate very much can get through a website, on the net to connect with hell girl. if the person doesn't really hate the other person that much, or that the person is going to this site for other reasons other than taking revenge, the person will not be able to get through. when the person gets through, he/she types in the name of the person he/ she hates and hell gir will appear. she will then hand the 'client' a straw dolly and explains the conditions....those who curses others to hell, will also end up in hell too. meaning, if u ask the help of hell girl to send someone to hell, when u die, u will go to hell too, but it's after u die. the contract will not be made till the red string on the dolly is pulled.

in the first season, those who were sent to hell was understandable. like there was this ep when a high school girl sent a vet to hell cause he doesnt really care bout the sick animals unless it was going to make him any richer or any more famous. though i find sending ppl to hell like that is still kinda selfish, and reminds me of death note ( i support L by the way ) but i dont think that it is worth it. i mean, these ppl who do bad things are gonna be sent to hell after all, but it's after they r dead, so y send yourself to hell too just so that he/she dissapears earlier?

near the middle of season one, a reporter gets in the story. somehow, his daughter has hell girl's eye, means she can sometimes see what hell girl sees. so, the reporter with the help of his daughter, tries to stop ppl from sending others to hell.

in the end of season 1, hell girl's past was told, how she become hell girl....thanks to an idiotic hell boy who could bring back the deepest part of ur memory that u try to forget. So, hell girl used to be a normal girl, with red eyes....all the villagers thinks she's a devil, but she has a friend, a boy who believes she's innocent. the villagers find ways and reason to kill her. in the end, they tied thier whole family, blindfolded them and trew them into a hole. Ai's blindfold was lose, and saw herself being burried the boy she thought was her friend..

i have no idea how, but she came back to lifeand burned the whole village. everyone was killed, except for the boy who managed to escape. the king of hell treaten to put all her loved one into the darkness forever if she doesn't become hell girl.

apparently, the reporter is the boy's great-great-great( dunno how many great )........grandson. so, when hell girl was in a bad mood ( i think ) she gave the reporter's daughter a straw dolly and ask her to sent her father to hell, telling her the whole story how her mother died. Ai's plot nearly succeded but the little girl forgave her father when her father appologised and cried in regret.

hell girl saw and her heart soften. her hate for the villager that killed her kinda reduced, and she returned to hell to do her job.

THAT is season for season's a long story but my bro is nagging me to let him use the com so.....c how larh, anyone intrested? i'll tell u personally^^

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